ASVPM Meetups And Events – September 2022


You’re going to be introduced to a few very simple criteria to assess your situation, make excellent decisions about how to approach that situation, and stay on course as you navigate our increasingly complex world.

Video File/Presentation File


  • A simple yet sophisticated situational assessment approach
  • A fundamental reason for almost all misunderstandings in the workplace
  • The core economic structure of worthwhile work.

Andrew Webster
A broad background in many different industries led Andrew Webster through software development and team leadership, to qualification as a senior Scrum Master and Product Owner and eventually to being an enterprise Agile and organizational coach, trainer, and consultant, working with a full range of clients, from individuals to major Silicon Valley corporations.
He’s lived and worked in three countries and Alabama, and now lives semi-retired with his wife in the San Francisco East Bay, writing his first novel, running a meet-up (Wisdom at Work), and still working as a personal coach to a select few. His greatest desire is to ease the experience of everyone involved in corporate life, from customer to management to worker to neighbor to environment.

Attendees (71)

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