QUESTION: “I’ve just been promoted to leading a new team and don’t know where to start. What should I do first?”
ANSWER: Congratulations on your promotion! While a strong start is not a simple matter of following a recipe – we’re dealing with human beings, not baking cookies – here are four key areas important to a new leader’s success.
Build Trust. Your #1 priority is to build trusting relationships with each person on your team. The first questions people have about a new leader are “Who are you?” and “Why should I follow you?” Schedule a “Meet the New Leader” meeting and share highlights of your career. But don’t limit yourself to professional details. Talk about what matters to you. Reveal your authentic self and appropriate details of your personal life. This will help your team see you as a human being, not just “the boss”. Allow plenty of time for questions. If no one asks a question you can ask “What would you like to know about me?” and “What are your expectations of me?”
Listen. As a leader you don’t have to have all of the answers. You can learn a lot from your team. Schedule face-to-face meetings with each of your people. Gather their perspectives and get their advice on how you can best serve the needs of the team. You’ll also benefit from meeting with people your team needs to work with to be successful. Don’t let your organization’s boundaries limit you! Meet with suppliers and customers, and anyone else who interacts meaningfully with your team. Most importantly, remember that you have two ears and one mouth and use them in that ratio!
Establish Agreements. Effective teams take time to discuss what matters most to them, and establish clear agreements about how they work together. These agreements are guidelines that define acceptable and unacceptable behaviors. It’s not enough to achieve results – the Lehman Shock taught us that! The way people behave while achieving those results matters, too. Put these expectations in writing, and make sure everyone, including yourself, follows these standards of behavior.
Clarify Why, Who and What Before How. Help your team clarify WHY your team exists, WHO you serve, and WHAT are your goals and measures of success. Figuring out HOW to be successful before clarifying why, who, and what, is like jumping into a taxi and shouting “Go! Go! As fast as you can!” before telling the driver our desired destination.
Business is a team sport. Leading a team is both a great honor and an enormous responsibility. The most effective leaders don’t wield their power, they serve their team with humility and respect. Good luck, and enjoy!